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Creating your Item​

Similarly to how a Block can be created, you can create an Item through the ItemBase class.
You can customize it through FabricItemSettings().

public static final Item RUBY = new ItemBase(YOURMOD_GROUP);
public static final Item YOURMOD_ITEM = new ItemBase(new FabricItemSettings());


Registering is done with the RegistryHandler class.

You can register your Item with registerGeneratedItem() if it represents a generic item, or registerHandheldItem() if it represents a tool.

RegistryHandler.registerGeneratedItem("yourmodid", "ruby", RUBY);


Your code should now look something like this:
public static final Block RUBY_ORE = new BlockBase(Material.STONE, 2.5f, 7.0f, BlockSoundGroup.STONE);

public static final ItemGroup YOURMOD_GROUP = new ItemGroupBase("yourmodid", "itemgroup", RUBY_ORE).group;

public static final Item RUBY = new ItemBase(YOURMOD_GROUP);

public void onInitialize() {

RegistryHandler.registerBlockAndItem("yourmodid", "ruby_ore", RUBY_ORE, YOURMOD_GROUP);
RegistryHandler.registerGeneratedItem("yourmodid", "ruby", RUBY);